Saturday 2 June 2018


Field trials were carried out during 1986 and 1987 in the Kotgarh area of Himachal Pradesh to evaluate 4 treatments (soil drenches with Bavistin (carbendazim), Topsin-M [thiophanate-methyl] or Captaf [captan] and aureofungin applied as a soil drench or as a spray) for control of white root rot of apples, caused by Dematophora[Rosellinianecatrix. All treatments reduced the disease incidence compared with an untreated control, with carbendazim and aureofungin + copper sulfate more effective than Topsin-M or Captaf. Max. leaf area and yield was obtained following treatment with aureofungin + copper sulfate drench.
Author(s) : Gupta, V. K.Gupta, S. K.
Author Affiliation : 230, India. Department of Mycology and Plant Pathology, Dr. Y.S. Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Solan 173
Journal article : Indian Phytopathology 1992 Vol.45 No.2 pp.239-240 ref.3

Tuesday 22 May 2018


Chemical Control
Spray Aureofungin 46.15% w/v. SP @ 0.005% in 300 l of water/acre or captan 50% WG @ 600 g in 200 l of water/acre (second spray after 5 days interval) or captan 50% WP @ 1 Kg in 300- 400 l of water/acre or captan 75% WP @ 666 g in 400 l of water/acre. (second spray after 8 days interval) or chlorothalonil 75% WP @ 350-500 g 240-320 l of water/acre (second spray after 14 days interval) or copper oxychloride 50% WP @ 1 Kg in 300-400 l of water/acre or mancozeb 35% SC @ 0.5% or 500 g/100 l water 500 l water or as required depending upon crop stage and equipment used or mancozeb 75% WP@ 600-800 g in 300 l of water/acre or hexaconazole 2% SC @ 1.2 l in 200 l of water/acre (second spray after 21 days interval) or kitazin 48% EC @ 0.20% or 200 ml in 200 l of water or propineb 70% WP @ 300 g in 100 l of water or 0.30% as required depending upon crop stage and plant protection equipment used (second spray after 15 days interval) or zineb 75% WP @ 600- 800 g in 300-400 l of water/acre or captan 70% + hexaconazole 5% WP @ 200- 400 g in 200 l of water/acre (second spray after 21days interval).

Friday 4 May 2018


Bacterial Wilt  (Pseudomonas solanacearum)Symptoms: This is one of the most serious diseases of tomato crop. Relatively high soil moisture and soil temperature favour disease development.Characteristic symptoms of bacterial wilt are the rapid and complete wilting of normal grown up plants.Lower leaves may drop before wilting. Pathogen is mostly confined to vascular region; in advantage cases, it may invade the cortex and pith and cause yellow brown discolouration of tissues.Infected plant parts when cut and immersed in clear water, a white streak of bacterial ooze is seen coming out from cut ends.

Control: Crop rotations, viz., cowpea-maize-cabbage, okra-cowpea-maize, maize- cowpea-maize and finger millet-egg plant are reported effective in reducing bacterial wilt of tomato. Seedling treatment with Streptocycline (1 g/40 litres of water) for 30 min protects the seedlings in the initial stages of growth
(Tamilnadu Agriculture University)

Friday 27 April 2018


Kerala Agriculture University  recommends the following for control of Paddy Blast disease.
Dry seed treatment:Dress seeds with Pyroquilon (Fongorene) or Carbendazim (Bavistin) or Trycyclazole (Beam) 2 g/kg of seed. Wet treatment Fongorene/Carbendazim 2 g/kg of seed. 
Foliar sprays- Zineb 2 kg/ha or Thiophanate 500 g/ha or Kitazin 500 ml/ha. or Carbendazim 500 g/ha. or Aureofungin sol 60 g/ha or Ediphenphos 500 ml/ha

Thursday 26 April 2018


Ganoderma Root-Rot (Ganoderma lucidum) :
The disease appears in the soil in one or more of the lateral roots. Whitish strands of fungus spread along the surface of the bark of the roots, which later turn dark. Gradually, the fungus spreads to the bottom of the main trunk. The affected tissues become very light, swollen and spongy due to water accumulation. During rainy season bracket-like fungal fructifications appears at the base of the trunk. Control: Removal of dead or decaying old stumps from the orchard, treating the basal portion of the stakes with a fungicide and periodical collection and destruction of brackets near the collar controls the disease. Isolation of infected trees by digging a trench all-round the tree to prevent the diseased roots from having contact with the healthy roots and mixing. 0.5 to 1 kg of powdered Sulphur with the soil in the trench helps in controlling the disease. Application of Aureofungin solution (1.5 g in 5 litres of water) and Vitavax (500 ppm) in plant basin is effective.

Thursday 19 April 2018


Bacterial Leaf Spot (Xanthomonas campestris) : The disease is more prevalent during June-August and again in February-March. Temperature range O of 25-30 C and relative humidity of 80-90% is favourable for the development of the disease. The young growing shoots are affected first. Disease infects leaves, shoots and berries. The symptoms appear as minute water soaked spots on the lower surface of the leaves along the main and lateral veins. Later on these spots coalesce and form larger patches. Brownish black lesions are formed on the berries, which later become small and shrivelled. Control : Collecting and burning the infected plant parts minimizes the spread of the disease. Streptocycline (500 ppm) is very effective as a prophylactic spray. Weekly sprays of copper fungicide and Bordeaux mixture given from last week of October are effective to prevent the incidence and spread of the disease.

Tuesday 10 April 2018

Control of Bacterial Blight disease in Pomegranate

Bacterial blight of Pomegranate caused by Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. punicae is a wide spread disease affecting pomegranate production and quality of fruit. In-vitro evaluation of agrochemicals indicated that blitox at 3000 ppm followed by kodde 2500 ppm successfully managed the disease. A field experiment was also conducted for its management at New orchard, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana during, 2013. Three sprays of the agro-chemicals were done at 15 days interval starting from end June to end July on Mridula variety of pomegranate. Among the various treatments, blitox (0.3%) + streptocycline (250 ppm) proved most effective in reducing per cent disease index, per cent fruit cracking and providing maximum disease control. Quality parameters viz., TSS, acidity, weight, pulp colour, juice weight etc. were also studied. Maximum TSS, fruit weight, juice weight, pulp weight, 100 grain weight and total grain weight were observed in blitox (0.3%) + streptocycline (250 ppm) followed by kodde (0.25%) + streptocycline (250 ppm) sprayed fruits.